Jeremiah had his first taste of real food today... green beans. I guess he loved it because he ate a lot & didn't spit much of it out. He even tried to help me feed him, which made it messier, but hey, it's early practice for him eating on his own. I made the food myself & it was actually pretty easy. We'll see how the green beans go this week & maybe we'll try carrots or peas next week.
As for me & Terrez, everything is good. We started a new term at the school, so our daily schedules are a bit different. Twice a week the students have elective classes, and Terrez and I are involved with that. He helps with the boys' phys. ed. class & I help with the band (which is really a drumline). We have to start preparing for their independence day parade on Sept 15th, I have my work cut out for me. We've also just become the overseers for the school government. We'll see how that goes :)