Even though Jeremiah is only 3 & 1/2 months, he likes to do things by himself already. Many times he doesn't like when I hold him to give him his bottle, so I have to put him in his stroller. He still can't hold it by himself, so I have to prop it up with his little blanket. I'm not complaining though because I can get more things done while he's eating. This week we also starting putting him in a play bouncer/walker. He can barely touch the floor but he likes it a lot. It's one of the walkers that doesn't actually move, so it's still easy to keep an eye on him. I guess I better get used to him doing things by himself soon.
In other news, everything else is fine. We didn't have internet for a while, but it's up & running again. Math classes are going great for Terrez & he stays busy at the house. He's also started a small bible study group of boys who are helpers in the different houses. They meet once a week & are discussing how to make decisions they won't regret. It seems to be going well & the boys enjoy it. The office work is going pretty good for me. I've been learning a lot about how the Honduran children's services system works. By default I've also been learning about the educational beauracracy that's been crazy during the past few months. When the government changes parties, everyone changes positions, even the teachers. So a lot has been going on concerning some of our teachers, but everything is pretty much settled right now. Other than that we've been just trying to avoid the bugs that rainy season brings out. There's some type of flying termite that has been rampant. They don't live long, but they are so annoying. You have to be careful that they don't get in your ears because they'll lay eggs there. And they shed their wings like crazy. They're all over the place. I can't wait til they're gone.
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