Monday, November 24, 2008

School's Out :)

Well, school is finally out for their long break. They won't go back until February. As happy as I am for the break from teaching, I still have to find creative ways to interact with the kids. Most of the boys go to work all day, so I don't have to worry about them. It's the girls that need the most to do. Otherwise, they will sit & play in their yards all day. The other week while a group was down here I helped give dance classes with various groups of girls. The girls enjoyed it so much that I have been asked to continue with the dance classes. Last week I was busy finishing up paperwork for the school, and this week the volunteers have to translate all the Christmas cards from the kids that will be sent to their sponsors, so I haven't been able to start the classes yet. I guess it's good though so I'll have more time to prepare. I've never taught any dance class, nor do I feel creative enough to come up with any dance moves, but down here you learn to do what you would have never done before.

Along those lines, both Terrez & I have had new experiences in the church. Twice already have I played the drums for Sunday morning service. Now, I have never played the drums in my life, but someone was needed, so I had to fill in. At least I was able to keep a beat. Yesterday only volunteers played the praise music, and I played the saxophone for a couple of songs. Terrez gave the 1st sermon. He's given sermons and teachings before in the States, but never to a crowd like down here. God has really been using us and stretching us. I feel like I've been doing more things out of my comfort zone in the past 2 months than I have over the course of years.

On another note, we're very excited about Thanksgiving. I can't believe it's almost here. All the staff, junior staff, and volunteers get together & have a huge feast. It'll be just like a family dinner with lots of extended family.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Impact beyond the U.S.

I had the opportunity yesterday to visit the capital city of Honduras and all throughout the day I heard people talking about OBAMA and he was the cover of all newspaper. Obama has undoubtedly given hope to alot of hopeless people and he has a great responsibility ahead of him both national and globally. 

I encourage the Church to pray constantly for him because we know our hope is not in Obama but the God that works through him. Let us pray that he would submit to God's authority and direction and become the BEST leader this country has seen. 

I am a believer in the divine principle of sowing and reaping. If we sow prayers and the Church shows ACTIVE support and involvement then we WILL reap the result of a Godly administration. 

Monday, November 3, 2008

Fun Times in Honduras

We have lots of fun down here. I definitely didn’t expect that we would have so many times to just laugh and this weekend was full of it. Now Friday was a bit rough working with some of the girls. I helped one of the staff members with the Christmas card making, and it was a more of a challenge than I thought since there were about 40 girls we had to deal with at one time. They would not be still at all.
But after that things were great. We played Catch Phrase and other games with our neighbors, and we even ate Pizza Hut one day. Today was a Youth Day, so the staff, volunteers, and about 40 of the older kids played games and had hot dogs. The highlight was playing tug-of-war with people. The object of the game is to get everyone on one side by pulling them over. I’ve never seen so many kids thrown about. It was hysterical. It was a good bonding time because I don’t get to spend much time with the older kids since they work various jobs. Everyone was laid back, including the staff. It’s like a big family, which is what the children really need.