Thursday, December 11, 2008


Like with any new environment, the more time you spend in it, the more adjusted you get. It's been almost 3 months since we first moved down here, and life is going smoothly. Terrez has been working on the farm and painting in the school; I've started dance class and work with the Christmas play along with my regular duties of helping with paperwork. The dance class has been going well. What I thought would just be a fun little time has turned into serious practicing for a choreographed dance that me & another volunteer had to put together. The girls are so excited about it. All those in the Christmas play are excited too. It seems like eveyone wanted to be in the play. Christmas is in the air and evey child tries to peek in the church to see all the gifts under the tree. Well, it's more like under, over, around, and suffocating the tree. Having over 400 kids who get at least 2 gifts, some get up to 10, it's hard fitting them all near the tree.

One thing the staff here like to do is invite a few kids to their houses once a week for dinner. It's to show them a family atmosphere that they haven't had the chance to see otherwise. Today was the first time Terrez & I joined in. We had four of the boys Terrez normally works with over. We made pizza and cookies from scratch. They loved it so much. They were so helpful in making it. I hope one day my kids will be like that :) While the pizza was in the oven they got to play Uno and watch a movie. Before the night was even over they were asking when they were going to be invited over again. It was a blessing getting to see the joy on their faces. I think we're going to continue having kids over each week, and we'll alternate betwen boys & girls and which once get to come.